In the heart of Maine, amidst the embrace of a perfect summer day, Erika Knutson Ilvonen & Teel embarked on their journey as one, uttering the timeless words, “I DO.” As the photographer entrusted with capturing their Rockland, Maine wedding celebration, I had the honor of witnessing a day that would never dare be forgotten.
Every facet of this coastal wedding celebration was a testament to their thoughtful hearts. From the tiniest detail to the grandest gesture, their devotion shone brightly. Their bridal party, a collective of beauty and humor, mirrored the joy that danced around them.
In a night teeming with laughter and enchantment, Erika and Teel painted their joy in vibrant hues. A magician quite literally wove spells of wonder, delighting their cherished guests. The presence of their beloved dogs throughout the day added endless charm to this Rockland Maine church and lodge wedding. Yet, amidst the revelry, the couple honored those absent, with a tender nod to the cherished souls who couldn’t be present physically but whose essence lingered in very welcomed ways.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow upon their coastal Maine day, I stood as an enthralled observer, entrusted with capturing the moments they’ll look back upon time and time again. This Rockland Maine wedding was everything Erika and Teel could wish for, and oh so much more.Â
Rockland, Maine Wedding Vendors:
Florist: Seasons Downeast
Venue: Rockland Congregational Church
Reception Venue: The Rockland Elks Venue
Catering: Rockland Elks
Wedding Cake: 3 Dog Cafe
Makeup Artist: Snatched Beauty Bar